Our supporters say

Jun 30, 2020

“About 63% of students in Slovakia feel like they cannot go abroad on mobility, like Erasmus, because they cannot afford it. It is because of this that I want to support the initiative Erasmus500 and guarantee a minimum of 500€ for each student going on Erasmus in the future in the next EU budget. This way, we would open this experience up to all, including those from a socially disadvantaged environment.”

Vladimír Bilčík

Member of the European Parliament, European People's Party, SK

“I am convinced that the young generation is not only the future, but as well the present of the European Union, that is why we need to encourage and to stand next to them. Erasmus 500 program is a simple, fair and transparent proposal that aims at creating equal opportunities for the under-represented groups in international mobility that is why I strongly support it.”

Corina CREȚU

Member of the European Parliament, Progressive Alliance of Socialists and Democrats, RO

“The path for a future and truly European generation starts with the Erasmus project. Putting any student in the condition to participate in this program is essential to allow citizens from all backgrounds to take part in the project.”

Alessio Buscemi

Erasmus Student Network Luxembourg

“This is a very reasonable idea. As a double-time Erasmus alumna, I wholeheartedly support this initiative and claim it is a necessity for sustainable and fair Erasmus mobility.”
Kristina Milanović

“Simplicity is a sister of efficiency… and it may attract more students. From the point of view of a higher education institution it does simplify grant allocation and may motivate more students to apply for Erasmus mobility.”
Lukáš Pospíšil

Czech University of Life Sciences Prague

“As a former Erasmus student, I know the struggle of not having enough money for everything during Erasmus. I strongly support this campaign and hope it’ll help a lot of students to participate in Erasmus. Also hoping that this proposal will be adopted by 2021, as I’m planning another Erasmus exchange!”
Ines Blažević

“Thanks to the Erasmus programme tens of thousands of students have already had the opportunity to travel abroad and study at partner universities. Unfortunately, for many, the social situation does not allow them to cover all the costs associated with travel and stay.”

Ivan Štefanec

Member of the European Parliament, European People's Party, SK

“As academic staff, I do Erasmus mobilities, and my sons have too. We are an “Erasmus family” and it has transformed our lives for the better, opened our minds […] given us opportunities we wouldn’t have had otherwise. I think the same opportunity has to be given to everybody in Europe.

 Erasmus+ contributes a lot to making Europe a better place, and happy, fulfilled European citizens can contribute to making the rest of the world a better place, too. So, let’s fight for Erasmus+, getting better and better!”

Maria João Mocho

“[…] After the COVID-19 outbreak it will be even harder to build the European citizen. The new generation must experience the European/international dimension to be promoters of a better world.”
Gianluca Polese

“Being European means having equal opportunities for all regardless of their backgrounds. Financial barriers should not be dictating someone’s future in 21st century Europe, and it is on us now to make sure that everyone has the possibility to receive an international education […].”

Nadja Jovicin

“I support making Erasmus more inclusive and accessible to students from lower socioeconomic backgrounds. This is an important goal for the future of Europe!”

Georgina Laboda

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